Lung Cancer Asbestos Trust Claims

Lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure is devastating. If you or a loved one has lung cancer that may be linked to asbestos, you may be entitled to compensation. Filing an asbestos trust claim can help you get financial assistance to pay for medical bills and other expenses. Contact Braver Law to learn more about how our lung cancer lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

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Diagnosed with Lung Cancer?

Our lung cancer lawyers help you file a claim, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 180 days.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma?

Our mesothelioma lawyers help you file a claim, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Our VA-accredited lawyers help veterans file claims, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Our asbestos lawyers help clients file claims nationwide, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

We've recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. Find fair compensation and file a claim, with first payment in as little as 180 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

We've recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. Find fair compensation and file a claim, with first payment in as little as 90 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

Our VA-accredited lawyers have recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. We help veterans file claims, with first payment in as little as 90 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

Our lawyers have recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. We file claims with with no upfront costs and a free case review.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Our asbestos lawyers help clients file claims nationwide, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Diagnosed with lung cancer or mesothelioma?

File a claim, no lawsuit. Free review, fast compensation.

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Diagnosed with lung cancer? Get help filing for compensation.
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First payment in as little as 90 days! Explore your compensation options. Call for a Free Review: 800-672-7181.

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No upfront costs to file a claim for compensation.
Free Case Review. Call 800-672-7181.

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A simple and fast process for potentially life-changing compensation. Free Lung Cancer Case Review. Call Now: 800-672-7181.

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"If you have lung cancer or mesothelioma, don’t assume that you do not have a case. Go ahead and contact Braver Law. They know exactly what needs to be done to win your case."

- Osvaldo P , Miami, FL

However, this process is often complex. You need a lung cancer lawyer on your side. At Braver Law, our lawyers help clients file successful asbestos trust claims and get maximum compensation. Read on to learn more about how we can help.

Asbestos Exposure and Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. One of the top risk factors is asbestos exposure. Breathing in asbestos fibers at work, in the military, or even at home can cause genetic changes over time that result in lung cancer.

The link between asbestos and lung cancer is very strong. Studies show that people exposed to asbestos have a risk of lung cancer that is 5 times higher compared to the general population. If you have lung cancer and a history of working with or around asbestos, there is a good chance it was a contributing factor. Contact Braver Law to learn more about how our lung cancer lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

Most Common Asbestos-Related Lung Cancers

  • Non-small cell lung cancer
  • Small cell lung cancer
  • Lung cancer in nonsmokers

Eligibility for Asbestos Trust Fund Compensation

If you developed lung cancer after being exposed to asbestos, you may be entitled to significant compensation. Most companies that made asbestos products have gone bankrupt. However, asbestos bankruptcy trusts were set up to pay victims.

You may qualify for an asbestos trust claim if:

  • You have medical documentation of a lung cancer diagnosis
  • You where you were exposed to asbestos for at least 5 years before 1985

A lung cancer law firm like Braver Law knows how to thoroughly investigate asbestos exposure history. Contact Braver Law to learn more about how our lung cancer lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

The Asbestos Trust Claim Process

There are over 60 asbestos bankruptcy trusts in the United States with billions in funding available. However, each trust is unique and has specific eligibility and documentation requirements. Failing to properly file a claim can lead to denial or delays.

Our asbestos lawyers handle the entire claim process for you, including:

Investigation of Exposure History

  • In-depth interview to create an asbestos exposure work history
  • Tracking down supporting records from employers or military
  • Drafting and btaining affidavits 

Preparing and Submitting Claim Forms

  • Determining which trusts you qualify for
  • Customizing required claim documents for each trust
  • Meeting all filing and medical criteria

This is just a brief overview; we take care of all details and complexities around developing strong asbestos trust claims. Contact Braver Law to learn more about how our lung cancer lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

Documenting Your Asbestos Exposure History

Our lung cancer attorneys leave no stone unturned when investigating exposure. Contact Braver Law to learn more about how our lung cancer lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

We take an exhaustive approach to building your occupational and environmental exposure history timeline. This includes:

Work Site Investigations

  • Identifying all past job sites where asbestos exposure occurred
  • Contacting companies to obtain records of asbestos materials on site
  • Getting affidavits confirming hazardous conditions

Product Identification

  • Help you identify specific asbestos products you handled like insulation, cement, gaskets, packing, drywall, brakes, clutches, shingles, flooring, tiles, or other products.
  • Researching job site records to obtain qualification for additional trusts

Military, Secondary Exposure Evidence

  • Getting service records showing assignments, housing, and ships served on
  • Evidence related to handling exposed workers' clothing

We know what asbestos trust evaluators look for. Allow us to strengthen your case documentation.

Filing Claims with Multiple Asbestos Trusts

Most asbestos victims qualify for 5-20+ trusts depending on individual history. However, each trust claim requires separate filings tailored to their unique process.

As your dedicated lung cancer lawyers, we handle all aspects of submitting to multiple trusts:

Determine All Potential Trusts

  • Review your entire exposure history
  • Identify every manufacturer of asbestos products you encountered
  • Research which companies established bankruptcy trusts

Prepare Needed Documents for Each Trust

  • Obtain required medical reports and diagnostics
  • Customize forms for exposure details, work/military history
  • Meet stringent filing deadlines for every trust

Increase Settlement Amounts

  • The more trusts claimed against, the higher potential payout
  • We maximize the number of trust funds contributing to your settlement

Let our asbestos exposure attorneys take on the burden of multi-trust claims filings. Contact Braver Law to learn more about how our lung cancer lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

Choose the lung cancer law firm with a proven record of asbestos litigation success for claimants. Call today for a free case review.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lung Cancer Asbestos Trust Claims

How Much Can I Expect to Receive From Asbestos Trusts?


The amount an asbestos trust pays depends on the specifics of your diagnosis and exposure history. With an extensive exposure history and claims against multiple trusts, settlements can be extremely substantial. Let our lung cancer lawyers maximize your recovery through proper documentation and strategic negotiations.

Can I File a Claim Even if Exposure was Decades Ago?


Yes, in many cases you can still file an asbestos trust claim for lung cancer happening today from asbestos exposure that occurred long ago. It takes many years for the effects of asbestos exposure to cause cancer. Do not assume you cannot file a claim just because the exposure was long in the past. Contact our attorneys to evaluate your situation. We have won trust settlements related to asbestos exposures from the 1940s-1980s.

Are Trust Settlements Taxable as Income?


No, asbestos trust claim settlement funds are not taxed under federal guidelines and most state laws. We suggest consulting a tax professional to understand any potential tax implications in your state. However, typically trust payments are tax-exempt.

Can’t I just file trust fund claims myself without needing a lawyer?


Technically anybody can attempt applying to asbestos bankruptcy claim trusts solo by gathering requisite exposure evidence documents, medical reports and completing claim forms. However, denied claims run extremely high for self-filers. Complex criteria and procedures trip up many victims mid-process without guidance. Elaborate occupational/exposure histories spanning decades need constructing based on oblique recall, questionable records and bankruptcy trust skepticism over amounts sought. Just one denial forces starting over. Let us handle the intensive preparatory work properly positioning your best case. We increase approval odds dramatically and maximize payout potential across all viable trusts. Don’t leave justice on the table self-advocating through this difficult maze as your health fails.

How much monetary compensation for asbestos exposure cases typically is reasonable?


Every asbestos lawsuit or claim outcome varies substantially based on state laws, disease diagnosis, defendants’ remaining resources, viable trust claims, evidence strength and more. On average mesothelioma claims may reach $1 million to $1.4 million and lung cancer claims may reach $100,000 to $150,000, but some cases may also be more or less. Experienced lawyers know how to carefully accumulate trust disbursements, lawsuit resolutions, structured settlements and other options ultimately maximizing your rightful restitution. Let us fight tirelessly to ease this unconscionable financial burden wrongfully forced upon you before health and time fade.

Why do I need an asbestos law firm and not just a general personal injury attorney?


Asbestos litigation is extremely complex, specialized and unlike traditional injury cases. Only attorneys concentrating caseloads specifically on asbestos litigation properly understand the intricate legal framework, unique defendant landscapes, medical nuances, trust systems, settlement decades-long strategizing and much more. Formidable oppositional legal teams have years navigating the system too. Victims require specialists on their side leveraging relationships with trust administrators, physicians, researchers and court officials to secure favorable outcomes. Check credentials, case volumes, resources and trial experience before retaining any counsel. We dedicate 100% of our efforts toward asbestos victims like you.

How much do asbestos law firms generally charge victims?


Asbestos law firms have no hourly fee and no upfront costs, instead they work on contingency. This incentivizes maximum effort. Smart firms help explore publicly available financial options during cases instead of protecting victims' best interests first. Always demand full-fee transparency in writing upfront.

How soon can I expect financial assistance if I have a strong asbestos claim?


The difficult reality with asbestos cases means no precise timeline guarantees exist regarding settlements or trust payouts. Straightforward claims sometimes resolve in months while extensive lawsuits with appeals may take 2+ years. Factors determining speed include state court backlogs, defendants’ willingness to negotiate fairly, levels of discovered evidence against them and more. Skilled lawyers devise customized strategies based on the strengths and weaknesses of each unique case. Through tenacity and leverage most earn resolution within 9-18 months, however. We promise our urgent dedication toward accelerating assistance knowing health and financial pressures mount daily. Let us fight this battle vigorously on your behalf right away. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer due to asbestos exposure, contact the asbestos lawyers at Braver Law

Caring Legal Support During Your Lung Cancer Battle

Dealing with an aggressive disease like lung cancer is distressing enough without having to worry about financial burdens piling up for you and your family. The asbestos lung cancer lawyers at Braver Law want to reduce your stress, not add to it.

We go beyond just the legal work to provide comprehensive support and counseling. We make clients our priority. Allow us to minimize the burden while you focus on health.