Mesothelioma Lawyers for U.S. Coast Guard Veterans

For over two centuries, the men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard have selflessly served our nation, often enduring harsh conditions and risking their lives to protect America’s waterways, environment, and citizens. As members of America’s oldest continuous sea service, Coast Guard personnel have a long tradition of honor, respect, devotion, duty, and professionalism.

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Diagnosed with Lung Cancer?

Our lung cancer lawyers help you file a claim, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 180 days.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma?

Our mesothelioma lawyers help you file a claim, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Our VA-accredited lawyers help veterans file claims, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Our asbestos lawyers help clients file claims nationwide, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


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We've recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. Find fair compensation and file a claim, with first payment in as little as 180 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

We've recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. Find fair compensation and file a claim, with first payment in as little as 90 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

Our VA-accredited lawyers have recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. We help veterans file claims, with first payment in as little as 90 days.


Get the Compensation You Deserve

Our lawyers have recovered $100+ million in compensation for clients nationwide. We file claims with with no upfront costs and a free case review.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Our asbestos lawyers help clients file claims nationwide, no lawsuit required, no upfront costs, with the first payment to you in as little as 90 days.


Diagnosed with lung cancer or mesothelioma?

File a claim, no lawsuit. Free review, fast compensation.

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"If you have lung cancer or mesothelioma, don’t assume that you do not have a case. Go ahead and contact Braver Law. They know exactly what needs to be done to win your case."

- Osvaldo P , Miami, FL

Unfortunately, many Coast Guard veterans were unknowingly exposed to asbestos while serving our country. This toxic mineral was used extensively in Coast Guard vessels, facilities and equipment until the 1970s. Asbestos fibers easily become airborne when disturbed, and can be inhaled into the lungs, leading to the development of serious diseases like mesothelioma decades later.

If you or a loved one served in the Coast Guard and now have mesothelioma, you may be entitled to significant compensation through a VA claim, asbestos trust funds or a mesothelioma lawsuit. Don’t go it alone in fighting this aggressive cancer - an experienced mesothelioma law firm like Braver Law can help you take action to improve your prognosis and provide for your family’s future.

Where Asbestos Hazards Lurked in the Coast Guard

Coast Guard veterans worked and lived aboard a variety of vessel types, from massive cutters and icebreakers to small harbor tugs and patrol boats. Unfortunately, many of these ships used asbestos-containing materials extensively for insulation, gaskets, valves, seals, flooring and fireproofing from the 1930s through the 1970s.

Specific areas where Coast Guard members faced asbestos exposure risks include:

  • Engine rooms - asbestos was used in insulation around pipes, boilers and machinery. The friction from vibrations and high temperatures readily released asbestos fibers into the air.
  • Boiler and pump rooms - asbestos insulation and gaskets surrounded high-temperature equipment. Maintenance work could often release asbestos dust.
  • Sleeping quarters - asbestos was used in decking, tiles, ceiling panels and insulation. Fibers could spread through ventilation systems.
  • Mess halls - galley ovens and cooking equipment often contained asbestos insulation that deteriorated over time.
  • Machine shops - many auto parts, gaskets and equipment that mechanics worked on contained embedded asbestos.

Coast Guard facilities on land also used asbestos materials in construction. Personnel at air stations, lighthouses, recruiting offices and other buildings faced risks from damaged or deteriorating asbestos in walls, ceilings, flooring and insulation. Just living in base housing put families at risk.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to explore your options, fill out the form to file a claim.

High-Risk Coast Guard Jobs for Asbestos Exposure

Certain Coast Guard occupations faced increased risks of asbestos exposure through their daily duties:

  • Machinist’s mates worked hands-on maintaining ship engines and equipment. This exposed them to asbestos in gaskets, brakes, valves, boilers and insulation on pipes, pumps and turbines.
  • Damage controlmen fought shipboard fires and handled leaks. Their repair work exposed them to asbestos in insulation, gaskets, decking and adhesives.
  • Electrician’s mates repaired electrical systems. They often handled wiring insulation and circuit boards that contained asbestos.
  • Enginemen operated and maintained vessel propulsion systems. This exposed them to asbestos in engine parts like gaskets, brakes and insulation.
  • Construction mechanics repaired and built structures and equipment. Sawing, drilling and sanding asbestos cement boards or insulation released toxic dust.

The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos causes a rare cancer called mesothelioma. Inhaled asbestos fibers become lodged in the lining of the lungs, abdomenheart, or testicles, causing genetic damage that can eventually lead to cancerous tumor growth. This cancer can take between 10-50 years to develop after exposure.

Early mesothelioma symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, chronic cough, fatigue, weight loss and abdominal pain or swelling. While there is no cure, various treatments can relieve symptoms and possibly prolong life. Because mesothelioma is caused only by asbestos, those diagnosed with it are often eligible for substantial financial compensation.

Our Coast Guard Mesothelioma Lawyers Can Help

Braver Law has experience representing veterans, shipyard workers, and others harmed by toxic exposure to asbestos and other hazardous substances. If you or someone you love served in the U.S. Coast Guard and now has mesothelioma, contact us for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Our dedicated team understands the challenges veterans face when battling this aggressive cancer. We leave no stone unturned to document where and how asbestos exposure occurred during your Coast Guard service. This allows us to build the strongest possible case for you with asbestos trust fund claims and/or lawsuits, and we can also assist you with VA disability claims. Let our expertise work for you, while you focus on your health and family. Together we will take a stand to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Fighting for Justice for Coast Guard Veterans With Mesothelioma

During peacetime and war, Coasties courageously conduct search and rescue missions, enforce maritime law, protect our ports, build aids to navigation, clean up environmental hazards and more - all to safeguard America's waters, environment and people.

Unfortunately, many Coast Guard veterans were unknowingly exposed to asbestos during their honorable service. This toxic mineral was used extensively in Coast Guard infrastructure and equipment for decades. Today, many Coasties are being diagnosed with mesothelioma - an aggressive cancer caused by inhaling asbestos fibers.

At Braver Law, we have an unwavering commitment to all veterans harmed by toxic exposures suffered during their military service. Our experienced attorneys have a proven track record of success in documenting asbestos exposure in every branch, securing VA claims, and winning mesothelioma settlements for veterans and their families.

We battle to get justice for veterans, first responders, industrial workers and others who developed mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases through no fault of their own. Our network of attorneys has helped recover over $100 million for clients nationwide. Now we're ready to stand up and fight for you.

The Risks Coast Guard Members Faced from Asbestos

During the height of asbestos use from the 1930s through the 1970s, Coast Guard personnel faced constant exposure risks from serving aboard vessels made with asbestos materials. Asbestoswas used extensively in insulation, gaskets, seals, valves, flooring, ceiling panels and adhesives throughout cutters, harbor tugs, buoy tenders and small patrol boats.

When these asbestos-containing products deteriorated or were disturbed through maintenance, repair, damage or accidents, toxic asbestos fibers were released into the air and inhaled by crew members. Common high-risk areas for exposure included engine rooms, sleeping quarters, mess halls, boiler rooms, machine shops and damage control lockers. Even routine tasks like sweeping up dust could raise asbestos levels.

Those living and working at Coast Guard bases and stations on land also faced risks. Asbestos was used widely in insulation, walls, flooring and roofing materials. Without proper precautions, renovations or maintenance work could release asbestos fibers within barracks, air stations, depots, housing, offices and other facilities. Families could carry this asbestos dust home on clothing.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with or may be suffering from Mesothelioma, contact Braver Law by filling out the form to file a claim.

Mesothelioma Lawyers Helping U.S. Coast Guard Veterans Get Compensation for Mesothelioma

If you served in the Coast Guard and now have a mesothelioma diagnosis, we can help. Braver Law has an urgent mission - to help you take action to understand and identify your prognosis and financial security as quickly as possible.

With your needs in mind, here are just some of the ways we can help:

  • Thorough investigation to pinpoint where and how asbestos exposure occurred during your service. This is crucial to document for strong compensation claims.
  • Guiding you through filing for VA disability pay and healthcare benefits. We do all the legwork for your claim.
  • Identifying and filing claims with asbestos trust funds set up by companies that used asbestos.
  • Pursuing litigation against companies responsible for asbestos exposure to seek maximum compensation.
  • Connecting you with the nation's top doctors, cancer centers and clinical trials.
  • Assisting family members in filing for dependent VA benefits or survivors’ benefits.
  • Helping secure compensation to cover medical bills, funeral costs, lost income and pain and suffering.

Standing Watch Over Those Who Stand Watch - Our Mesothelioma Lawyers

The challenges of battling mesothelioma can seem overwhelming. You need an experienced team in your corner so you can focus on your treatment and spending time with loved ones. The attorneys at Braver Law treat clients like family - with compassion, respect and a determination to get the best possible outcome.

To learn more about how we can help you receive the compensation and justice you deserve, contact us for a free case review and fill out the form to file a claim.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mesothelioma Lawyers for U.S. Coast Guard Veterans

What type of financial compensation can I receive?


There are several potential sources of compensation for Coast Guard veterans with mesothelioma. These include filing for VA disability benefits, which can pay over $3,700 per month. You may also be able to access money from asbestos trust funds or through lawsuits against companies responsible for asbestos exposure during your service. Settlements are the most common outcome, with the average mesothelioma settlement being $1.2 million. Experienced mesothelioma attorneys can help maximize your compensation.

Why was asbestos used so widely in the Coast Guard?


From the 1930s through the 1970s, asbestos was considered a miracle material for its heat resistance, strength and insulating properties. It was used extensively in Coast Guard ships, bases and housing. Common products that contained asbestos included insulation, gaskets, adhesives, seals, valves, flooring and brake pads. At the time, the severe health hazards of asbestos were not yet known.

How can my asbestos exposure be proven if it was so long ago?


Proving where and how you were exposed to asbestos is critical in getting compensation. An experienced mesothelioma law firm like Braver Law will thoroughly investigate your service history by pulling old ships' logs, base housing records, job duties and descriptions. We can also locate fellow former Coast Guard members who can confirm where asbestos was used. This detailed documentation is critical to your claim.

Why does it take so long for mesothelioma to develop?


Mesothelioma has an extremely long latency period of 10-50 years after asbestos inhalation before tumor growth begins. The asbestos fibers become lodged in the protective lining around the lungs, heart or abdomen, slowly causing genetic cell damage that eventually leads to cancer. This makes causation very difficult to trace.

What are the main symptoms of mesothelioma?


Common signs of mesothelioma include shortness of breath, persistent cough, chest pain, abdominal swelling and pain, fatigue, weight loss, and fever or night sweats. Since these symptoms can indicate other illnesses, mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed at first. Anyone with a history of asbestos exposure who experiences these symptoms should advise their doctor.

Does the Braver Law have experience with Coast Guard claims?


Yes, we have expertise with asbestos cases, and we have successfully represented Coast Guard veterans in documenting their exposure during service and recovering compensation. We handle the entire legal process so you can focus on your treatment. Our dedication to clients is unmatched - please contact us today for a free case evaluation and fill out the form to file a claim.